Dear Colleague
The incidence of breast cancer in many ASIAN countries is increasing, therefore it is the aim of ABDA to bring together workers and researchers from various disciplines in this field to exchange their knowledge and expertise.
Moreover, public awareness of the potential benefits early detection of breast cancer cause more women seek the advice of physician after detecting a breast mass.
Also there was significant improvement in managements of many breast diseases.
By participating in the upcoming meeting all of us should be ready to get a double handful of updated information in detection, diagnosis and comprehensive management of breast diseases.
It gives us great pleasure in inviting you to attend the 21st ABDA Annual Scientific Meeting going to be held in Hotel Harris Kelapa Gading Jakarta, 11 – 12 October 2025.
Your presence and participation in the above mentioned scientific meeting is essential for the success of the conference.
I am looking forward to see you in Jakarta.
Dr. Daniel Makes
OC Chairman / ABDA Founding President