Harris Hotel & Conventions Kelapa Gading
Jl. Boulevard Raya, Kelapa Gading Timur, Jakarta Utara 14240 – Indonesia
Indonesia’s World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (Indo-WFUMB-CoE)
Jl. Radio Dalam Raya No. 1 B, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12140 – Indonesia
Phone : (62-21) – 7230060 / 7258135
HP / WA : + 62 815 – 84524095
Email : /
Website : /
Contact : Kartini, Sella & Mani
All presentation will be held in English. The official language in Indonesia is Bahasa Indonesia.
A commercial exhibition will be open during the conference. For more information, please contact the Secretariat Office.
Upon request the organizing committee will send a personal invitation letter to facilitate in obtaining grant for VISA to participate in the conference. However it doesn’t imply any financial support towards expenses for attending the conference, such as registration, travel and hotel accommodation.
The organizing committee shall not be held liable for personal accidents, illness, losses or damage to private property of registered delegates of the seminar, during and after the event. Participant is financially responsible for any damage sustained venue fitting, property or equipment. Participants are strongly recommended to seek insurance coverage for health and accident, lost luggage and trip cancellation.
The participant and the accompanying person have to complete the registration form and WA or email it to the Secretariat for data base purposed. We will produce the registration receipt (confirmation letter) after receiving the payment. Please take along the receipt with you when re-registration.
We don’t accept personal cheques or bank draft or credit card payment.
All payment for registration and hotel reservation should be transferred to the bank account of the organizing committee as stated below. Please be understood that we have to receive net payment accordingly. Overseas bank charge should be paid by the sender upon transfer transaction made.
Receipt payment will be produced upon receiving the money, so please email or send to WA + 62-815 – 84524095 the bank transfer to the secretariat to avoid any difficulties in checking it.
Transfer via following account :
Bank Name : BNI Cabang UI Depok
Account Name : Diklat USG
Account Number : 0006694060
Bank Address : Jl. Salemba No. 4, Jakarta Pusat
Bank charges will be responsible by participants.
Upon receipt of your registration forms and the appropriate fees, an official receipt and registration confirmation will be sent to you. Please show the registration confirmation at the registration desk to obtain your registration badge and seminar kits.
Those who have not registered in advance may register at on-site registration desk Only cash payment will be accepted during on site registration. No refund will be made for on-site registration fees.
For registration and hotel reservation cancellation
- Any cancellations must be proposed in written document : faxed or electronically mailed
- There will be 50% charges for written cancellation received before one month of the seminar.
- No refund for cancellation received before two weeks of the seminar.
- All refund will be processed after the seminar.
Hotel assignment will be made on a “FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS”. If a certain hotel have been booked out. The OC has the right to allocate in another hotel with a similar standard. Applications for hotel reservation form through the secretariat.
No reservation will be made without the requested deposit. One night deposit is required and should be paid before 30 September 2025.